Since 2016 BRF Consulting has been providing Salesforce and data engineering services to Microtécnica, a company with more than 36 years of excellence and more than 250 collaborators. Our client is one of the top suppliers of technology and equipments to the government in Brazil and partners to companies such as Samsung, Epson, Apple, LG, Lenovo and a few other known tech brands.

Microtecnica runs SAP B1 as their ERP for product stock, pricing, AC (accounts payable) and AP (accounts receivable) however they were requiring a SaaS solution to accelerate their sales activities. The company was already one of the top regional sellers but wanted to expand their activities due to the growth of the brazilian economy, specifically after 2019.
Solution implemented
BRF Consulting proposed the customization of Salesforce and developed the following modules:
Products fully integrated with the SAP B1 stocks leveraging on the API to synchronize the platforms;
Quotes with advanced features to choose products with different specifications;
Final Order with advanced pricing formation based on each product group NCM, regional taxes, warranties and related cost and risks;
Generating PDFs with pre and final quotes sending directly to the final customer;
Management of government bidding process for federal, state and municipal bids.
Integrated with WhatsApp leveraging on Digital Engagement;
Accounts with search of Address by Zip Code and validation of company info identification by CNPJ or CPF (this feature is being developed)

In addition to the Salesforce implementation, BRF Consulting also provides MercadoGov, a Market Intelligence and Big Data solution with strategic information about the government fully integrated with ComprasNet, the main portal of the government bids in Brazil.
MercadoGov provides a 360 view about the bidding prices by competitor, manufactorer, product, public entity and location, more details on
Microtécnica has been growing a lot since hired the BRF Consulting services. We are achieving great results because we have domain on the fields which we are playing. Microtecnica sells with excellence and my company has the best Salesforce and data engineers.
Our success case was even recognized by Salesforce Brazil in 2020, see the translated article: A Salesforce Success case for Market and Competitive Intelligence. (original post on
I am very thankful to Mr. Roberto Mendes, the Microtecnica Founder. A thank you also to Augusto Freitas who introduced me this great customer in 2015, he is one of the best salesman I ever met!
You have been a great customer for BRF Consulting and we look forward to continue serving Microtécnica more many years to come.

About the author: Angelo Buss is the founder of BRF Consulting and specialized on Salesforce; he never gave up all the challenges that Microtécnica provides to his team every day.